lee side

美 [liː saɪd]英 [liː saɪd]
  • 背风面
lee sidelee side


the side of something that is sheltered from the wind
Synonym: lee leeward


  1. While at angles larger than 33 °, the primary separation vortices stay above the wing lee side , forming a stationary vortex .


  2. Located on the lee side of ridges , these are probably similar deposits of ash-rich material , again blown out of the crater .


  3. Gardens on the windward side of a hill receive more rain than those on the lee side .


  4. Put the fire on lee side , with relative wind abeam .


  5. I stepped out onto the ladder on the lee side .


  6. One last consideration is that it 's often the edge of the lee side which is the most dangerous area .


  7. A thermal column constitutes an obstacle for the wind . There is a lee side to it .


  8. The lee side [ shore ]


  9. A wake flow with relatively lower pressure and recirculation zone exists on the lee side of the injector .


  10. The precipitation pattern is consistent with orientation of orography , i.e. the rainfall increases on the windward side , while deceases on the lee side .


  11. The simulated results show that the dynamic function of micro-topography to lee side fog has important action , and the forming and developing of the lee side fog are to gain some dynamic profits from local micro-topography .


  12. The numerical method and experiment technique were conducted to investigate what effect will be produced on the flow structure and aerodynamics over the highly swept delta wing with suction technique in the Lee Side at high angle of attack .


  13. The jet wake vortices occurring in the lee side of the jet show an evident three dimensional movement including the spin and stretch in the horizontal plane as well as the torsion in the vertical plane .


  14. According to these results , the flow reattachment distance in the lee side of transverse dunes can be determined . Finally , we think that there is a further research need on the 15 ° stoss slop because it had the maximum threshold wind velocity and re-attachment distance .


  15. Variation in Dune Lee - Side Airflow and Its Significance


  16. Third-ranked Lin 's seeding put him in Lee 's side of the draw , denying fans another battle royale in the gold medal-decider but Friday 's semi-final will pit two of the finest players of the modern era against each other in their Olympic swan song .


  17. The on-loan Liverpool striker finished brilliantly to give Lee Clark 's side an important three points .


  18. Early in his career , he writes , he learned a " profound " lesson : " never to give up on anyone . " He finds another treatment , an experimental vaccine and a monoclonal antibody , but Lee has severe side effects .
